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Sunday 16 June 2024

Allan Park + Inchgarth Reservoir

Allan Park + Inchgarth Reservoir

Sunday 16 June 2024

On Sunday, while one of my sisters was at the ISA for a dance show rehearsal, my dad, my other sister and I, went to walk along the Old Deeside Railway, towards Allan park. On the way we found a family of Blue tits with a few young. We heard a Greenfinch and a Chaffinch that we then found singing on a birch tree. On the road down to Allan Park we heard a Goldcrest singing from a conifer in someone's garden. In the park, we saw and heard many Robins, Blackbirds, and something we thought was a Long-tailed tit but we could no be sure. After Allan Park, we went towards Inchgarth Reservoir, hearing a Blackcap deep in the trees. We then had a flyover of four Goosanders over the horizon and had a very close encounter with a Whitethroat which soon flew but landed again in a willow not too far from us. It was joined by a flock of Goldfinches but soon flew off. We kept walking towards Inchgarth, seeing a Great Spotted Woodpecker on the way. We also found a cat that kept following us, wherever we went. With the cat in our wake, we arrived at Inchgarth Reservoir for a quick scan. We saw a Great black-back Gull with the Herring gulls and got great views of a male Blackcap. We bumped into Ian Broadbent, who told us about a White-winged Scoter at Blackdog. We had a little chat and his dog got crazy about the cat the was following us. We started going back to the car with the cat still following us. We heard a single Chiffchaff and had another Greenfinch, this time a flyover. We went back to the car and went home after a nice, but rainy session of birding.

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