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Monday 8 July 2024

Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 1

Birding in Hungary I

Monday 08 July 2024

Budapest City Park 

Before the train to Békéscsaba from Budapest, we went to the Városliget (Budapest City Park) for some birding. We heard a few Swifts before leaving our Aunt and Uncle's house. When we got to the park my sisters went to play with our cousin at the playground. I joined them for a bit until the urge to go birding was too big so my Dad and I went to explore the rest of the park. We were surprised when we saw a couple Fielfares feeding with the Blackbirds on the ground and even more when we found a female/immature Pied Flycatcher with a family of Great tits. We found a pair of Great spotted woodpeckers and got a very quick glimpse of a flying Green woodpecker. We then went back to the playground for a bit until I, alone this time, went around the park again. I saw and heard a nearby Nuthatch and saw the Great spotted woodpeckers again. I got better views of the Pied Flycatchers and saw the Green woodpecker feeding with a Woodpigeon on the grass. On the way back I saw a bird which looked like a Lesser whitethroat but the habitat was not right so I could not be sure. We then had to go to home to get our bags & lugages for the train, on the way home we found a few Black Redstarts as well.

eBird Checklist


Once we had had dinner, my dad and I left for a quick walk around the csaba-tó marshes. We didn't find much birds until we found a pair of Great crested grebes on one of the lakes and heard a Savi's Warbler. Not too long after, we found a few Great white egrets and a single flyover Night heron. Eventualy we also got a few glimpes of a Syrian Woodpecker and some more Great crested grebes. We heard many Reed warblers singing from the reeds and saw some soaring Marsh harriers and a few Caspian gulls in the distance but it was getting quite dark and quite late, so we headed back. On the way back, we got very close views of a flyover Great white egret. Almost home now, we walked through the woods a bit until we heard something that  was out of the ordinary. We decided we should use the Merlin app to help us. Seeing a Thrush nightingale turn up in the list of birds we ingored it and took another, closer recording. Thrush nightingale again. We thought it was a bug with the app and just went home hearing two Night herons flying above and a distant Long-eared owl. When at home once more, we annalised the recordings realising that it could possibly be a Thrush Nightingale despite its rarity in Hungary. Not to forget, we also saw a few White Storks at their nest on one of the telegraph poles by the road.

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