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Sunday 11 August 2024

Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 17

Birding in Hungary XVII

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Kígyósi Nagyerdő tanösvény és kilátó

Today, my sister joined my Dad and I, cycling to a woodland south of Csaba-to, which is also a part of the  Koros-Maros Natioal Park. After ariving we saw a surprising amount of Wood Warblers and a Robin (my first for Hungary 2024). Later we saw a few Spotted Flycatcher and a Blackcap. Not too long afterwards, we saw a Hare and 2 Song Thrushes. On the way back we didn't see many birds but did relocate a few Wood Warblers. Cycling past Csaba-to, we saw a Black-headed Gull and a Lapwing.

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