I'm Edgar Joly. I'm a young birder living in Aberdeen. Follow me on my birding adventures across North-East Scotland and around the world!
Saturday, 20 July 2024
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 9
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 8
Birding in Hungary VIII
Monday 15 July 2024
Thursday, 18 July 2024
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 7
Birding in Hungary VII
Sunday 14 July 2024
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 6
Birding in Hungary VI
Saturday 13 July 2024
Friday, 12 July 2024
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 5
Birding in Hungary V
Friday 12 July 2024
79A (Romania)
Although the title says Birding in Hungary this post will mostly be about going to Romainia to see some different species. I woke up at 4:30 am on Friday morning to go, with my grandpa, to Romainia to visit the Socodor Fishponds. By 5 o'clock we were on the road. We saw a few birds along the road such as a Jackdaw -which are less common here. Immediately once we crossed the border, I was trying to find birds to add to my Romainian list. I saw many common species in and around the towns of Varsand and Pilu, adding House Martin, Feral Pigeon and many White Storks. At a gas staition in Varsand we also found my lifer Little Owl perched on a fence post! Almost arriving in Socodor, I noticed a Kestrel in a tree and a Hoopoe flying past as well as a Pheasant on the road.
Socodor Fishponds (Romania)
Just as we turned on to the road up to the fishponds I very quickly noticed my lifer Lesser Grey Shrike on the telegraph wire above our heads! And not only one, we saw six all perched up on the wires with a few Tree Sparrows! Further up the road, we had a Little Bittern fly right in front of the car and a Night Heron fly up from a pool. After an immpressive start, we drove along the south of the main lake, finding another Little Bittern and many Swallows. We parked the car beside a tree and I started scanning the flocks of ducks out on the lake. Unfortunately, they were only Mallards, but we did see a pair of Mute Swans and many Great Crested Grebes. After about 10 minuets, I found a white and orange heron flying over the reeds, at first I thought it was a Cattle Egret, but, when it turned around and landed beside the reeds I saw that is was infact a Squcco Heron; another lifer! It stood by the reeds of a while having its eye locked on a fish. I was checking the tops of trees and poles checking for Roller, a speciality species here. We didn't find any but went on the other side of the lake. While we were driving, my grandpa noticed a flock of egrets in a field. Sadly the car flushed a few herons, which were standing nearby. One of them, we noticed, was darker that the others; a Black Stork! Yet another lifer! I tried to take some dijiscoped photos but didn't magange to set it up in time. We heard a few Bearded Reedlings and had a Squacco Heron and a Little Bittern fly past us before we headed back to Hungary.
Doboz (Hungary)
Stopping on the way at a site that was recommended by a friend, we went to Doboz to see some woodland and river species. Entering I started hearing the beatiful song of Golden Orioles and a high-piched squeak. I located the squeak to a family of Spotted flycatchers with 4 young. I heard a Syrian Woodpecker and then found a pair of Golden Orioles at the very top of a tree. In the distance I also heard a Nuthatch which was calling. We quickly had a look at the castle finding a couple Song thursh, too.
Thursday, 11 July 2024
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 4
Birding in Hungary IV
Thrusday 11 July 2024
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 3
Birding in Hungary III
Wednesday 10 July 2024
On Wednesday, my mum, my dad and I walked towards the hide at Csaba-to seeing many very showing Reed warblers and a group of Mallards. We had a few flyover Night Herons on the way as well and few Savi's Warblers. At the hide we saw a couple Great Reed Warblers and a Sedge Warbler. Just as my dad left the hide my lifer Little Bittern flew out of the reeds! A bit later we saw the pair of Red-Backed Shrikes and saw two Clouded Yellow Butterflies; my lifer! Afterwards, we had a Hoopoe fly past and a few Marsh Harriers as well. We saw a few Goldfinches on the way back and a Syrian Woopecker in a tree as well as many Caspain gulls. We stopped to look for the Thrush Nightingale, which we heard calling in the trees again. After trying to find it and only getting glimpese of a small bird fly from a bush we went home since it was also getting dark.
Tuesday, 9 July 2024
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 2
Birding in Hungary II
Tuesday 09 July 2024
On Tuesday morning, my dad and I went for a morning of birding around the Csaba-to area. We tried to find the Thrush nightingale that we had found yesterday (we are now quite sure it is a Thrush Nightingale) and to get some pictures of it. We did not see it or hear it but we did hear a Common Nightingale which was calling. On the way to the hide we didn't see much birds apart from a heard-only Golden Oriole and a Common Sandpiper. Once at the hide we found a pair of Red-backed Shrikes flying around some of the trees and the fields. We also heard and later got views of a Great Reed Warbler, my lifer! Not too long after my dad saw a Hoopoe but I missed it. But only a few minutes later, I got my lifer Bee-eater! A few of them were flying overhead and calling, we didn't get great views but still a lifer! Just after stopping to look at a Sand martin, I saw a green/yellow bird fly into a tree. At first I thought it was a Green Woodpecker but after two more came in and started singing, I realised that they were infact Golden Orioles we tried to get views of this beautiful species but failed finding a juvenile Red-backed Shrike instead. We did not find many birds afterwards apart from a couple heard-only Bearded Reedlings.
Monday, 8 July 2024
Birding in Hungary 2024 - Day 1
Birding in Hungary I
Monday 08 July 2024
Budapest City Park
Before the train to Békéscsaba from Budapest, we went to the Városliget (Budapest City Park) for some birding. We heard a few Swifts before leaving our Aunt and Uncle's house. When we got to the park my sisters went to play with our cousin at the playground. I joined them for a bit until the urge to go birding was too big so my Dad and I went to explore the rest of the park. We were surprised when we saw a couple Fielfares feeding with the Blackbirds on the ground and even more when we found a female/immature Pied Flycatcher with a family of Great tits. We found a pair of Great spotted woodpeckers and got a very quick glimpse of a flying Green woodpecker. We then went back to the playground for a bit until I, alone this time, went around the park again. I saw and heard a nearby Nuthatch and saw the Great spotted woodpeckers again. I got better views of the Pied Flycatchers and saw the Green woodpecker feeding with a Woodpigeon on the grass. On the way back I saw a bird which looked like a Lesser whitethroat but the habitat was not right so I could not be sure. We then had to go to home to get our bags & lugages for the train, on the way home we found a few Black Redstarts as well.
Sunday, 7 July 2024
Birding @ Frankfurt Airport
Frankfurt Airport
Sunday 07 July 2024
During a short window between our connecting flights from Edinbrugh to Frankfurt and then to Budapest for our holiday in Hungary I needed a few species for my Germany list. So when we got off the plane, I was already trying to find birds for my list. We walked to the gate for getting on the plane but we were lucky to be a few minutes early meaning I had some time for birding. At first I was scanning the horizon and skyline for birds flying in the distance. I found 3 Starlings which flew past and behind a building and away. Still scanning, I saw a couple Swifts flying around, chatching insects. Checking the tall buildings I found a few Carrion Crows and a Woodpigeon. Just before we got on the plane, I also got quick views of a Feral pigeon.
Friday, 5 July 2024
Fife 2024
Saturday 29 June 2024
St Andrews
On Saturday morning, we drove down to St Andrews in Fife to explore the town an get a few more species for my Fife list (currently 4 species!). Just after leaving our house, we stopped at Girdleness to quickly meet up with Raymond. We saw a Kestrel and a Common Sandpiper before we left to Fife. Once we arrived we had a quick walk around the village seeing a few species such as Swift and Rook. After visiting a jewelry shop in town, we went to the St Andrews Museum to learn more about St Andrews. After finding out about the village's past, we found a pair of Bullfinches near the entrance of the museum as well as a singing Chiffchaff in the tall trees. Later, we walked along the beach enjoying the view and seeing many Oystercatchers as well as a couple of Fulmars. Once we had explore St Andrews, we drove to Fife Ness to find a few more species for my list.